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CiDRA Concrete Systems Partners with Exosite and HED to Modernize the Concrete Monitoring Industry

by Exosite, on November 21, 2019

Concrete is one of the most widely used materials in the world and is a constant presence in our daily lives. From parking garages and bridges to roads and buildings, concrete forms the infrastructure and foundation for much of our commercial, residential, and transportation structures.


Given its many critical uses, the quality of concrete is of utmost importance. In order to achieve optimal strength and long-term durability, the perfect combination of aggregate, cement, water, and air must be created for each application.

Other methods used to monitor air content involve a highly manual process that requires on-site technicians to complete. Testing can only be completed once a truck arrives on the job site, resulting in costly downtime if air content adjustments are required. Test results only provide insight into the quality of a single sample, rather than the entire load, and give no indication about when or how changes in quality may have occurred.

CiDRA Concrete Systems understood these challenges, which is why they developed the SMARThatch™ system, featuring AIRtrac™ technology, to give their customers the ability to monitor concrete information from batch plant to job site. CiDRA partnered with both HED and Exosite to develop a connected solution that helps their customers leverage real-time data to enhance concrete quality, optimize processes, and reduce costs.

To learn more about their solution, check out the full-length CiDRA Concrete Solutions case study.

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