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Embedded Computing Design Features Article From Exosite CTO Mark Benson on In-field IoT Retrofits

by Exosite, on June 3, 2016

Entering the world of IoT does not always mean designing and manufacturing an Internet-connected product from scratch. In a recent article for Embedded Computing Design, Exosite CTO Mark Benson discusses how in-field retrofits can enable original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to Internet-connect existing products and integrate machine data into the enterprise in a way that reduces risk, produces quick results, and enables valuable insights.

For additional information, access the full article below.

About Embedded Computing Design

Embedded Computing Design falls under the OpenSystems Media (formerly OpenSystems Publishing) umbrella. For the past 30+ years OpenSystems Media has focused solely on the embedded computing market. OpenSystems Media offers balance: taking not only a broad, encompassing look at trends and technologies, but also focusing on certain solutions in-depth.

Full Press Release

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