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Exosite Portals 0.4.0 – Public Dashboards

by Hans Rempel, on September 30, 2010

We’ve just updated Exosite Portals to 0.4.0.


Major new changes are:

–) Public Dashboards - share your dashboards publicly -> no more need to add Users to your Portals account to share your dashboard!

–) Custom Dashboards – mix and match graphical widgets to create custom dashboards. We’ll be updating our array of widgets as we hear from you what you’d like to see.

–) Multiple Portals per User – a single user can now have multiple Portals registered for their account.

Personal favorite is Multiple Portals per User – it means you no longer have to a) use different email addresses or b) report all your data into a single portal -> now you can have one portal for the Android, one for the home automation system and one for the bonzai trees.

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