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Limited Release of New IoT Business Management Tool

by Exosite, on October 29, 2014

With the recent explosion of the IoT industry, businesses are seeking to not only identify their IoT strategy, but also manage the business implications that accompany it.

But every business is as unique as the IoT solution it seeks to create. Some operate as a single entity, while others have segmented business units. Some have parent companies, sister companies, or side businesses. Others have sub-divisions, branches, or subsidiaries. And each has different products, services, P&Ls, billing needs, and accounting structures. It can get complicated in a hurry.

But, we've seen it all. After years of serving hundreds of customers in a variety of industries and verticals, we've come to realize there is no one-size-fits-all business solution. Instead, we know that flexibility is king. So we've used our experience to begin developing a tool that helps customers manage the complexity of their IoT strategy in a way that fits the unique requirements of their business structure.

We've launched a limited release of this management tool, with the intention of offering new and more robust features soon. Contact our sales team to see how Exosite can help solve your unique IoT business needs:

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