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Exosite Sponsors IoT Hackday: Supporting IoT Creativity

by Exosite, on October 16, 2015

Exosite sponsors iot hackday supporting iot creativity

The Twin Cities area is quickly becoming a major technological hub with new tech companies and events sprouting up everywhere. As one of the first IoT companies in Minnesota, Exosite is sponsoring IoT Hackday this Saturday, October 17th, at Minnetronix in St.Paul. The event brings together local developers that form teams and then compete in a 12-hour hack spree. Tasked with designing and creating a product to improve our world, the teams are free to create as they please. The projects are then judged at the end of the day and awards are given to the top three teams that demonstrated IoT insight and the ability to develop a new and exciting connected product.  Exosite is a Gold Sponsor of the event and will award the first-place winner with free 12-month access to our IoT platform on a Bronze Solution Plan.

Will Charlton, Exosite's own embedded systems engineer, is among the local developers and will team up with friends and colleagues to develop a connected noise-monitoring solution. Their product will continuously monitor when an airplane flies over a neighborhood and then send in an automated complaint to Metro Airports Commission about elevated aircraft noise, completely taking out the annoying act of calling in complaints. "I'd really just love it if it worked," said Will.  "It's my first time participating; I'm just excited to be a part of it all." Read Will's full project description and see a full list of proposed projects at IoT Hackday's submission page.

Stop by Minnetronix for this free event from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and join the celebration of creative talent and entrepreneurship found here in Minnesota.

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