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HP Matter's Executive Corner Featuring Exosite's Mark Benson

by Exosite, on October 12, 2015

HP Matter's executive corner featuring Exosite's mark benson

Through its recurring online publication, HP Matter provides in-depth insight and expertise on a variety of trending topics and quickly evolving industries. Each issue features Executive Corner interviews with thought leaders in fields relevant to the issue’s topic. Their newest issue on energy examines the convergence of energy and technology, as well as the shift of the energy landscape towards connectivity in an effort to enable greater efficiencies, reduce consumption, and improve consumer experiences.

Exosite is honored to have its CTO, Mark Benson, included in HP Matter’s latest Executive Corner. As Exosite’s CTO, Mark sets the technical strategy and vision for Exosite to ensure it remains competitive in the IoT marketplace.  He frequently speaks at and writes for IoT and collaborative industry events, maintains Exosite’s intellectual-property portfolio, and works closely with the global sales force to support pipeline efforts.

In HP Matter’s The Energy Issue: Exploring the Resources that Power Economies, Mark brings his IoT insight and deep industry experience to the discussion.  Mark’s featured Executive Corner includes an intuitive Q&A with the thought leader that includes discussions on how Exosite differentiates itself, Exosite’s key products and service offerings, the monetization of data, and how the company’s Midwest headquarters bring hard work and pragmatism to the company.

For the full interview, visit HP Matter’s Executive Corner or Contact Us directly.

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