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Exosite's ExoSense®️ Condition Monitoring Application and Murano IoT Platform enable organizations to deliver services and solutions for industries with high value assets, equipment, sensors, and machines.  


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Exosite Brings the IoT @ IFPE 2017

by Exosite, on March 6, 2017

The new "Industrial Evolution” is upon us, and fluid power is riding the IoT wave with powerful solutions that substantially upgrade their systems. By utilizing smart technology, fluid power companies are reducing downtime, decreasing maintenance costs, and improving labor efficiency.

The International Fluid Power Expo (IFPE) only happens every three years and features some of the most innovative products and expertise in the industry. So naturally, Exosite will be on the scene and ready for your burning IoT questions!

Put Exosite on your schedule and stop by Parker Hannifin’s booth in South Hall, #80242, where we’ll be presenting some of our creative solutions and showcasing our business expertise. Discuss industry insights with one of our IoT experts, and no matter where you might be on your digital transformation journey, we’ll help get you to the next stage.

To learn more about this new breed of technology, watch our free IoT Curious webinar, or if you’d like to gain more hands-on experience with IoT, try out our enterprise IoT platform by opening a free account on Murano.

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