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In Attendance at CloudCamp Twin Cities

by Dominic Cope, on March 28, 2011

Part of the Exosite team attended CloudCamp Twin Cities last week. For those not familiar with CloudCamp, it is “an unconference where early adopters of Cloud Computing technologies exchange ideas.” During an unconference, all the panels and breakout sessions are generated on the fly and led by the attendees. Why were we there? The Exosite team wanted to check out what local people were saying about cloud technologies.

It was nice to see a variety of people attend the event. Of course, technology enthusiasts were the majority, but many other types came on behalf of their employer to learn about implementing cloud solutions within their company. This meant sessions ranged from detailed technical talks, like Re-architecting Apps for the Cloud that was led by George Reese from Enstratus, to high-level discussions, such as How to Compare Cloud Solution Providers.

Exosite got in on the participation, too. Mike Aanenson is shown in the photo talking about embedded devices and the cloud as part of the lighting panel. Also, Erik Rorvick moderated a well-attended breakout session that discussed what new things are possible now that cloud computing is becoming mainstream. We at Exosite tend to think of the cloud as something where data can be shared among people, systems, and embedded devices. However, we discovered many people only view it in terms of personal computers and smartphones and that prompted some interesting discussion.

Thanks again to all the volunteers for setting up the event.  It was a lot of fun meeting people at CloudCamp and learning more about what is happening in the Twin Cities cloud community.  The team is looking forward to attending more events like this one.

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