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Exosite's ExoSense®️ Condition Monitoring Application and Murano IoT Platform enable organizations to deliver services and solutions for industries with high value assets, equipment, sensors, and machines.  


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IoT News: Announcing Release of The Genie Company Case Study

by Exosite, on February 5, 2016

iot news announcing release of the genie company case study

In recent years, the home automation industry has continued to grow exponentially.  Seeing an opportunity, The Genie Company® began development of their new product, Aladdin Connect™.  As a manufacturing powerhouse residential and commercial applications, Genie teamed up with Exosite to develop an industry-changing IoT product deployment. This case study details the opportunity Genie faced, the innovative technology that has already garnished two connected product awards, and the results of Genie's next generation IoT product design.

The Opportunity

Knowing their customers, Genie wanted to bring the latest innovative technology to the shelves.  Seeing IoT as an opportunity to revitalize their product while providing customers with secure and easy-to-use devices, Genie knew a quick-to-market strategy was needed. Genie selected Exosite as an IoT partner to host their new connected product.

The Technology

As a trusted name in the garage door industry, Genie has a well-established reputation for producing reliable products. By selecting Exosite, they were able to further extend their reputation to the home automation consumer. Capitalizing on Exosite's enterprise IoT platform, the Aladdin Connect app is able to complete an owner's request in seconds and can be safely monitored on a smart device.

The Results

Partnering with Exosite has enabled Genie to meet their time-to-market goals, while creating a product with innovative features, including:

  • Added value for Genie and distributors with an out-of-the-box IoT solution.
  • Consumer ease-of-use.
  • Extra security and safety.

Download the full Genie case study and contact us to see what IoT can do for your company.

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