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Exosite's Mark Benson to Serve on HP Matter's Advisory Panel

by Exosite, on October 8, 2015

exosite's mark benson to serve on HP Matter's advisory panel Image taken from


Energy is becoming a major concern as the Internet of Things (IoT) industry continues to grow from small IoT connected systems to large-scale industrial applications with thousands of devices on one system. All of those connected devices take energy to collect, transmit, compile, organize, and store the data they create. However, our technology-centric world is evolving faster than energy processes are developing. As a result, the most important question is not how we make things bigger and faster, but rather how we make things more efficient.

HP Matter is a leading resource for companies seeking to understand their place within the rapidly evolving technology-centric world. During this process HP Matter has released numerous articles with a goal to “build a bridge between the potential of new technology and driving real outcomes.” Their latest issue brings light to “The Energy Issue: Exploring the Resources that Power Economies.” The issue addresses energy consumption and usage currently and the advantages, disadvantages, and potential within the IoT world.

Exosite is proud to announce its CTO, Mark Benson, has been named to the issue’s advisory panel to provide IoT insight on the convergence of energy and technology. The advisory panel brings together leading experts who have experienced the recent shift of the energy landscape towards connectivity in an effort to enable greater efficiencies, reduce consumption, and improve consumer experiences.

For the full panel discussion visit HP Matter or visit Exosite to Contact Us.

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