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Boxed Solution Providers: Buying Pre-packaged IoT Deals

by Exosite, on October 18, 2016

Creating a secure and thriving IoT ecosystem is a daunting task, so we’re here to help you maneuver the path to IoT success. Following up on last week’s Build or Buy blog which covered the pros and cons of infrastructure providers, we’re moving onto “puzzle-piece provider” number two: boxed solution providers.

Boxed solution providers can act as a full-service IoT shop, taking care of every aspect of your IoT solution for you. You connect your device and send the data into their products, where it is analyzed and visualized using their tools and integrations. With this path, time-to-market is often expedited and includes necessary support and training along the way. Because your complete solution is in their hands, it’s important to develop a strong relationship with your solution provider.

However, selecting a boxed solution provider means electing to use their entire system, terms, and conditions. The pre-determined features, tools, and integrations that expedite time-to-market minimize the opportunity to customize the system for your specific application and use case. As a result, you must mold your solution to fit their template, use their partnership ecosystem, and adhere to their software updates. When customization is available, it is generally expensive, both technically and financially, and extends timelines. Ultimately, the closer you get to off-the-shelf products, the less control you have over the development cycles—the design and usability of your product will be limited by how their solution was built.

To learn more about other buying options or how to build your own ecosystem, download the full white paper below. Or, if you’re ready to get your devices up and running, contact us or sign up for our IoT platform, Murano. read-build-v-buy-whitepaper


Topics:IoT Strategy

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