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Exosite's ExoSense®️ Condition Monitoring Application and Murano IoT Platform enable organizations to deliver services and solutions for industries with high value assets, equipment, sensors, and machines.  


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< Exosite Blog

Assembling Your Pieces: Approaches to Consider

by Exosite, on September 20, 2016

Over the last few weeks, we’ve covered the necessary components to a successful IoT ecosystem. It’s time to start putting your pieces together to create a masterpiece, just as we’ve been helping other companies to do for years. As an industrial IoT platform provider, we are happy to provide you with our expertise when it comes to different approaches to IoT ecosystem assembly in this blog segment.

Now that we have covered all the components that need consideration when integrating your business into the IoT world, it’s time to figure out how you will actually do it. As the expert in your industry, you know the ins and outs of your product and how to get it made. This is a great place from which to start evaluating your approach to developing an IoT solution that is a good fit for your organization, industry, and end users.

The two most common approaches to the IoT puzzle include building the puzzle from scratch and buying the puzzle pieces, which involves partnering to varying degrees with experts in the field who have built IoT products and services. The coming blogs will discuss the benefits and challenges of either building or buying pieces for your solution.

Building the puzzle from scratch
Buying the puzzle pieces
     Infrastructure Providers
     Boxed Solution Providers
     IoT Platform Providers

To get the full picture, download the full white paper below. If you want to get started on your IoT ecosystem, sign up for our platform Murano or contact us directly for guidance on where to place the pieces.


Topics:IoT Strategy

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