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Closing the Gap to Decision Part I: Data Analysis and IoT Analytics

by Exosite, on March 9, 2016

March 3, 2016, Exosite released the new Data Analytics for IoT: Business Transformation Through Connected Products white paper.  This week’s blog post introduces the second segment of the white paper, Closing the Gap to Decision. More and more companies are implementing connected product deployments but the data is not necessarily being used effectively to make business driven decisions.


Closely related to statistics, data analysis is the process of gleaning new insights out of data sets with the purpose of more intimately understanding the data and the behavior it explains. Historically, most data analysis has been done manually with languages like R, Python, or SAS. Technological advancements and the explosion of IoT have not necessarily relegated manual data analysis completely to the past, but it is now often more prudent to encode many of these advanced analytics into machines.

Much like analytics in other more traditional contexts, IoT analytics is one of the many tools that enables data analysis. However, real-time sensor data made available by IoT product deployments provide new opportunities for on-the-go analysis and programmed decision making, which results in a type of visibility into products that was previously unattainable.

At their most basic level, data analysis platforms can be easily integrated with existing databases of metadata and sensor data to create a complete IoT analytics strategy. Another level up, real-time data is complemented with real-time stream analytics, which can trigger pre-programmed decisions at the same rate that data is being gathered. Further, in situations where Internet connectivity is not reliable or where the amount of data being passed to the cloud is purposefully limited, analytics code can be pushed directly to a device or gateway in order to ensure proper operation even in the face of an unreliable or missing network connection.

Useful data analysis requires much more than the simple collection and summary of data. Download the complete white paper to learn how to optimize your IoT generation of business.

download iot analytics white paper


Topics:IoT Strategy

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