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Exosite's IoT Technology Powers Waste Management at 2014 French Open

by Josh Simi, on July 16, 2014


Harmony Enterprises Inc. has spent decades building a great reputation in the waste compacting industry and is now the world leader in the design and manufacture of solid waste equipment.

Exosite worked closely with Harmony to add advanced wireless monitoring capabilities to their SP20 SmartPack® compactors, routing operational sensor data over cellular networks to Exosite's software platform where the data is captured, analyzed, and processed.

Harmony’s SP20 SmartPack® units have made their way into national fast food chains, major shopping malls and airports, schools, hotels and were used to manage waste collection at this years 2014 French Open.


Through any web browser or smart phone, sensor data from a stand-alone compactor or an entire wireless network of compactors could be viewed on a simple web interface to inform site managers of their status. Automated notification options were configured to send email or text message alerts when the compactors were near capacity, full or required maintenance.


Along with being automatically notified when the wireless compactors needed to be emptied, site managers had access to historical data that was being captured, processed and analyzed on Exosite’s software platform. That data allowed them to optimize the placement of the compactors by being able to identify what specific areas experienced heavy traffic and required more frequent service.

With 256 athletes competing and nearly a half million spectators, having a way to automate the pickup of waste removal created and overall cleaner environment, which in turn created an overall better experience for the fans and players.

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