Why It's Critical to Develop a Reusable IoT Framework When Embracing IoT
by Exosite, on February 23, 2017
We’ve come a long way over the last few months in establishing a clear enterprise IoT framework for industrial OEMs creating an IoT strategy for their organization. With these best practices you can move forward understanding the importance of collaboration, creativity, and open communication between divisions.
The IoT trend is forcing organizations out of their comfort zones to rapidly innovate new technology and business offerings in order to remain competitive on the global stage. To succeed, industrial OEMs must develop a corporate-wide implementation plan that focuses on overcoming the internal barriers IoT commonly presents. This includes developing tactics and processes that provide a forward-thinking vision, promote cross-functional collaboration, create efficiencies in cost and time-to-market, and leverage market knowledge to increase differentiation and customer satisfaction.
Exosite has proven experience helping large, multi-divisional companies chart and execute corporate-wide IoT strategies to overcome these challenges. This experience has been incorporated into Exosite’s Mosaic IoT business framework, a tailored process designed to drive strategy, products, processes, standards, training, and alignment around connected products and services. Combined with Murano, Exosite’s enterprise IoT platform, Exosite works with companies to develop an integrated approach to IoT implementation that combines technology frameworks, IoT business model innovation, data integration, and user-experience design in a way that creates competitive advantage and defines long-term success.
To have all of the best practices in one place, download the free white paper below. If you’d like to experiment with IoT and start connecting your devices, sign up for a free trial of Murano.