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< Exosite Blog

Finishing the IoT Puzzle

by Exosite, on November 1, 2016

This week finishes up the Build or Buy blog series, so we’ll try to keep it short and sweet. As an IoT platform provider, we can give you the information you need to move to action and implement IoT successfully within your organization.

Throughout this blog series, we’ve talked about the what and how that make IoT solutions complex; it’s not as simple as taking a puzzle you already have completed and adding a few additional pieces to expand the puzzle’s picture. Some of the pieces in IoT solutions are standard, like the edge pieces that every puzzle has—they are used across many different solutions. Other pieces are unique to an industry or even to an end application. The ability to capitalize on the already-established edge pieces, and then customize and integrate in ways that make sense for your IoT solution, will make the difference between months and years of development and between hiring a few resources and multiple departments of people.

The key in all of this is to maximize differentiation for your business by focusing on your core competencies and reducing your time-to-market by partnering, purchasing, and leveraging the rest. IoT platforms are a great way to ensure that you’ve got all the pieces you need to build that IoT solution without getting to the end and realizing that you’ve got pieces that aren’t a good fit or are just not there at all. You will have the added benefit of the expertise of the IoT platform team, and their experience through the tough stuff will save you time and money so that you can focus on the things that will make your IoT solution unique.

IoT represents a multitude of technologies that are rapidly changing and evolving over time. It’s in your best interest to choose a flexible approach that will get you quickly to market and does not box you into a corner, allowing you to be open, innovative, and flexible with your IoT solution. This ensures that as the market matures, your product can too. From many perspectives, an IoT platform provider will be the best choice for most businesses looking to launch into the IoT space.

To download the entire white paper, click below. If you have what you need and want to experience an IoT platform for yourself, try out Murano without spending a


Topics:IoT Strategy

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