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Generalized Data Platform Products Designed for Vertical Market Enablement

by Exosite, on February 5, 2015

As the Internet of Things (IoT) industry began taking shape, organizations realized that there was an opportunity to take a more generalized approach to IoT. Instead of reinventing the wheel each time a protocol, platform, or device needed to be created, products and services were developed that could be leveraged across the entire long tail (see our Five Phases of IoT white paper that explains the long tail) of niche connected products.



During this time, Exosite began developing a modular IoT software platform to perform common functions that could be used to accelerate any IoT business vertical and reduce the time from development to revenue. These functions included things like device provisioning, user management and data control, firmware over-the-air (FOTA) updates, time series data storage, stream data processing, data visualization and user experience (UX) design, reporting, and the ability to send events and alerts based on pre-defined conditions and algorithms.

Exosite's IoT cloud platform consists of four major building blocks: Activator™ embedded firmware, One Platform™ device and data management, Portals™ user management and data visualization framework, and a connected solutions management tool. These products are combined with open application programming interfaces (APIs) that enable customized web and mobile application development and the ability to interface with existing business systems to provide an industry-leading set of building blocks to create IoT solutions. For more information about these software product offerings, check out our Technology Overview white paper.

Topics:IoT Strategy

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