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Sketching Out a Corporate-Wide IoT Strategy

by Exosite, on October 13, 2016

This past Friday we released our newest white paper, IoT Platforms and Business Framework for Industrial OEMs, which launches this latest blog series. Each week, we will be covering new sections so that you can avoid common problems and get your organization well on the road to supporting a successful IoT ecosystem.

IoT is one of the most significant technology movements in recent years. For industrial manufacturers, IoT represents an opportunity to drive new sources of revenue, decrease operational expenses, grow after-market services, and improve overall market position under increasing pressure from low-cost competitors.

However, rolling out a corporate-wide IoT strategy amongst multiple business units poses significant challenges. Developing a clear strategy, implementing a common IoT framework, aligning the organization around that strategy, executing on projects with excellence, identifying pricing plans, mobilizing new types of partnerships, and integrating secure communications and data with corporate IT require non-trivial efforts.

This white paper will highlight key challenges that multi-divisional industrial original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) face when developing and executing a corporate-wide IoT strategy. It also highlights best practices leading organizations can leverage to overcome these challenges. Finally, this white paper recommends an integrated approach that combines technology frameworks, business-model innovation, data integration, and user-experience design that organizations can use to turn their ability to quickly change and innovate into a competitive advantage.

To read the full white paper and gain insights to overcoming common challenges of multidivisional OEMs, download the white paper below. If you’d like to get started on your IoT solution, contact us or sign up for Murano to connect your products now. New Call-to-action murano-early-access

Topics:IoT Strategy

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