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< Exosite Blog

Introducing Speed Reports

by Exosite, on October 23, 2013

We software engineers find nothing else quite as satisfying as a snappy, crisp web experience. Every time we shave a few dozen milliseconds off a pageload, life gets better for us and for our users. And that's not just our opinion. Studies show again and again that faster page loads mean higher user engagement and higher productivity. Higher productivity: that's what we want for our users.

That's why we're excited to announce our new Speed Report project. Every quarter, we're going to publish, right here on this blog, a report detailing the metrics we use to evaluate site performance. We'll talk about changes in those metrics since the most recent report, and we'll highlight some of the performance work that's in progress and in the pipeline. Look for the first report on Thursday, October 31 (Halloween! Spooky.)

Topics:IoT Strategy

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