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IoT Ecosystem DIY

by Exosite, on September 27, 2016

When it comes to the creation of your IoT solution, building it in house is definitely a great option for those with the power to do so. This segment of our Build vs Buy analysis covers the elements to consider when planning and developing your solution from scratch.

Building your own IoT platform is a great way to have complete control over your IoT solution, from the collection of data to the end-user experience. All of the pieces of this puzzle are yours to integrate, maintain, and enjoy. This decision is often favorable for organizations that already have the necessary expertise in-house, or have the means to hire the expertise necessary. It can also make sense for organizations that do not see the IoT products and services on the market they need to meet their business needs. If you build, you can customize a solution to perfectly fit your application without having to compromise any feasible functionality or leave pieces of the puzzle out.

Along with the benefits associated with building your own IoT platform, it is important to also take into consideration the risks and costs. If you aren’t already an expert in all facets of the complex IoT ecosystem, there is a steep learning curve that will likely result in failures that can delay your time-to market or impact the trust of your target market. Beyond the complexity of the technology, the team needed to successfully implement a solution of this type is probably more complex, cross-functional, and costly than the solution itself. This team must research, architect, design, develop, and maintain the platform. Finally, the coordination that is needed to align the diverse number of individuals, technology disciplines, and functional groups within your organization in order to make your IoT solution truly successful can be daunting.

Download the full white paper for further insights, or contact us to kick start your IoT project. To get your hands on an IoT platform to test out your ideas, try Murano free of charge.
download build vs buy white paper

download build vs buy white paper


Topics:IoT Strategy

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