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Capture What Really Matters: Data Collection for IoT

by Exosite, on October 10, 2017

As suggested in one of our earlier blogs, the real value of your connected product is its ability to solve tangible problems for your customers or users. Data collection from connected products can be used to identify patterns, alert the right people about system-level performance, understand user behaviors, and help support teams diagnose and resolve issues in the field.

However, these types of solutions aren’t possible if the right data isn’t gathered in the first place. In order to collect the right data:

  1. Pinpoint the questions you need to answer or problems you want to solve for both your internal teams and external customers.
  2. Identify what data you need to collect in order to answer those questions or solve those problems.
  3. Consider the necessary data and reporting frequency ideal for your solution since the frequency and volume of data directly influences operational expenses.
  4. Establish a reliable and consistent way to aggregate the data and take into consideration any regulatory or compliance considerations.

Assuming you can reliably get the right data at the right frequency, you’ll also need to ensure the data is being leveraged in a way that’s valuable to stakeholders. Carefully consider the immediate day-one value your data provides to interested parties, as well as the longer-term value of aggregating that data over time.

If you’d like to learn more about how to make the data you collect meaningful, download a copy of our Data Analytics for IoT white paper. Our CTO Mark Benson has written about how The Voice of Machine Learning Starts and Ends with Humans for Embedded Computing and some Best Practices in Predictive Maintenance for Connected Industrial Equipment in Industrial Equipment News. 

To learn more about how to make sure you’re ready to plan, launch, and support your connected product offerings, download our full IoT guide.

Topics:IoT Strategy

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