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IoT Security: With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility

by Exosite, on September 1, 2016

In a short period of time, the Internet of Things has transformed from a buzzword to a household term. Those that were aware of IoT’s potential early foretold the billions of IoT connected devices we would soon see. The time is now upon us and with more use cases being thought of every day, it seems impossible to escape the fact that IoT is assimilating itself into every aspect of our lives. From large connected product deployments in industrial applications to consumer goods to ease our daily lives, new connected solutions are being developed to simplify daily tasks. But with so many devices and applications being connected every day, how secure are we?

In the early phases of IoT we saw an influx of companies jumping on the wagon, with the main goal to hit the market with a connected product before their competitors. Although the devices worked, it promptly became apparent that old methods of security were not good enough for the quickly growing industry. As security failure cases began to hit the news, such as Fiat having to recall 1.4 million U.S automobiles due to hackers,  it became apparent that IoT security must come first.

As a leading consumer and industrial IoT platform provider and one of the first in the IoT industry, Exosite is committed to providing a world-class, end-to-end security foundation. Working with a diverse group of partners and clients, Exosite has enabled companies that are leaders in their industries to build the future of connected products swiftly, efficiently, and securely. This foundation includes solutions for networks, applications, users, devices, and data and is modeled so security, privacy, and the protection of sensitives assets and information is at the core of Exosite’s culture. Staying true to this culture, Exosite hopes assist companies and individuals understand the necessary pieces to consider when developing an IoT security strategy.

Much of this information can be found in Exosite’s Security in the Internet of Things Systems white paper, including:

The IoT Problem: A New Landscape of Threats

IoT Security Building Blocks

Pragmatic End-To-End Security Solutions

For a complete understanding of the IoT security threats and features, download the full white paper below or contact us directly to speak with one of our experts. download IoT security white paper

Topics:IoT Strategy

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