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Get Serious About IoT with Our Security Webinar

by Exosite, on May 2, 2017

IoT security is one of the most popular topics in technology today, with articles coming out on a daily basis. Companies that are breached often end up as news stories for months, which is the exact opposite type of recognition organizations want. Using an evolving IoT security strategy is your best bet for keeping your reputation from being tarnished.

Surprisingly enough, security is often one of the last things to be considered when creating a new product. When cars were first invented, seat belts came later to protect the lives of the passengers. IoT is similar in that developers often get caught up on the cool, shiny additions of the product, but forget about securing it until much later in the game than they should.

IoT security should be incorporated from the start, not just with the products but with the whole organization. Creating a culture of security is essential for all organizations to protect their assets, their data, and the people who use them. Breaches can wash away months of development and your investments in IoT down the drain, so having an evolving approach to security is critical.

Join our upcoming webinar IoT Serious: Humans, Machines, and Building a Culture of Security Thursday, May 18th at 12:15 p.m. CST to learn about the about the different aspects of security. The webinar will teach you how to:

  • Foster a culture of IoT safety throughout your entire organization.
  • Educate employees on important security principles from the beginning.
  • Follow best practices of IoT technology that keep humans and systems secure.

What many fail to recognize when it comes to cybersecurity is that there is far more to it than just the hardware and software components. Our panel of experts will discuss how to secure your connected product from engineer- to CEO-level, as well as answer your IoT security questions.

We hope to see you soon!

Topics:IoT Strategy

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