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IoT Receives Attention from the White House

by Exosite, on November 21, 2016

Last week, the Washington Post published an article describing how Homeland Security is advocating that the technology industry strengthens security protocols to protect millions of connected devices from hackers. Image courtesy of

Security has always been key in all innovations within the technology industry, but it has gained renewed focus within the IoT market due to the DDOS attacks on Dyn last month. The three waves of attacks caused popular sites such as Twitter, Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify to be down for multiple hours.

The attacks were linked to internet connected devices that didn’t have the proper security protocols, leaving them easily open to hackers. This is spurring many IoT platforms to reconsider the security features of their products.

While all this has others scrambling, Exosite has a strong grasp on security. In the Forrester 2016 IoT Platform Wave Report, released this last Tuesday, Exosite was recognized as one of the 11 most significant IoT platforms on the market. We are proud to say that we scored the highest marks possible for our identity-focused security strategy that protects devices, applications, and data.

This doesn’t come as a surprise to us, since we’ve been making security of both our Murano platform and the connected solutions built on it a top priority from the get-go. Our CTO Mark Benson has authored articles about how companies and individuals can strategically implement the best IoT security in their connected devices. We also have published a white paper focusing on security in IoT, which you can download below.

As an industrial IoT platform provider, we know the importance of keeping data safe and devices transmitting to the places they were intended to be. We strive to support our customers with a reliable and secure IoT environment that enables them to make the most of their data, and constantly work to ensure that this cyberattack won’t be repeatable in the future. download IoT security white paper

Topics:IoT Strategy

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