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Previewing the Key Challenges Faced When Implementing Corporate IoT Adoption

by Exosite, on October 21, 2016

For Industrial OEMs, developing an IoT ecosystem that is versatile enough to support their multitude of divisions is a big challenge. This week’s blog will be a preview of information that will be covered in the upcoming IoT Framework series blogs, along with some background information that will get you up to speed.

According to Harvard Business Review, 70% of internal change initiatives fail. Add in the technical complexity IoT brings to the table, and a corporate-wide transition from a traditional-product company to a connected-product company can seem impossible.

The reality is that enterprises are as unique as the IoT solutions they seek to create. Many operate with varied combinations of parent companies, sub-divisions, branches, and divisions, each of which can have different products, services, P&Ls, billing needs, and accounting structures. As these diverse enterprises look to enter the IoT space, things can become further complicated if individual divisions develop one-off solutions. Rather than learning from each other and developing a standard enterprise IoT framework each division can then customize, individual divisions work through the long and often complicated process of developing an IoT solution on their own. This creates fragmentation that compromises efficiency and consistency.

The following blog segments will provide an overview of seven key challenges that large, diverse organizations face when attempting to implement the corporate-wide adoption of a common IoT platform–also the processes and tools, as well as best practices for long-term success.

If you’d like to read the full white paper on IoT Platforms and Business Framework for Industrial OEMs, click the button below. If you’d like to discover through a hands-on approach, test out our IoT platform, Murano, without spending a penny or contact us for more information to get you started.

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