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One Platform goes Erlang

by Hans Rempel, on March 11, 2011

We recently migrated our back-end data processing services to a new version of the One Platform. The updates were made in response to user feedback, capacity/performance needs and extensibility planning - the result is a rocket under the hood that gives the platform scalability in all dimensions.

The One Platform is the primary data interface that devices, data, user interface clients, and other software platforms use to interact with our data processing platform. It does things like manage communications with user/device clients, runs calculations/transformations/combinations on data, stores/retrieves information, processes rule actions and sends dispatches.

The update was applied so that users of Exosite Portals & API interfaces will not immediately notice significant changes, but will see increased functionality as we expose more features over the coming months.

The underlying technologies make heavy use of Erlang - a technology with over two decades of deployment on large soft-realtime production systems and used by the likes of Facebook, Amazon and Ericisson. We've had some of our best working on this update for almost a year now, and although i'm not certain our devs can hold a candle to Joe Armstrong (video below), I have noticed a certain similarity in recent speech patterns.

Seriously though, we’re excited about the new modalities this update allows our users to operate in, and are already forging ahead to bring some of the distributed concepts even closer to home for connected devices.

Topics:IoT Strategy

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