by Josh Simi, on March 3, 2014
Exosite's ExoSense®️ Condition Monitoring Application and Murano IoT Platform enable organizations to deliver services and solutions for industries with high value assets, equipment, sensors, and machines.
Learn how other Organizations have leveraged Exosite.
Condition and Remote Monitoring application for insight into your equipment, machines, and processes. Get Started Today.
Scalable, Secure, Industrial IoT and Data Platform for Connectivity and Solution Deployment.
Managed Enterprise Industrial IoT Platform
Industrial IoT Platform On Prem
Exosite's ExoSense®️ Condition Monitoring Application and Murano IoT Platform enable organizations to deliver services and solutions for industries with high value assets, equipment, sensors, and machines.
Learn how other Organizations have leveraged Exosite.
Asset Condition Monitoring and Management Solution
Scalable, Secure, Industrial IoT Platform
by Josh Simi, on March 3, 2014
It’s no secret that the Internet of Things (IoT) is starting to catch the eyes of some of the biggest tech players in the game. With some experts estimating there will be 50 billion connected devices by 2020, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Texas Instruments (TI) has shown they’re serious about the M2M (machine-to-machine) space by choosing Exosite as their cloud solutions partner. Together, TI and Exosite have brought you the foundational elements for building connected products. Instead of re-inventing the wheel, you can use our IoT building blocks to create your connected product vision quickly.
Building a connected product doesn’t have to be difficult. On March 6th, TI launches their new Tiva™ C Series TM4C129x Connected Launchpad. Out of the box, TI’s new Connected Launchpad comes with scalable cloud technologies from Exosite which makes opening a gateway to the cloud – and designing for the Internet of Things – easier than ever before. Be one of the first to receive the new Tiva™ C Series TM4C129x Connected Launchpad! Click here to register to receive an email alert with instructions on how to purchase the kit once it’s released!
TI’s proven track record for innovation partnered with Exosite’s seasoned veterans in the IoT space is sure to push the industry to new heights. We’ve given you the building blocks to create connected products, the only question that remains is – what will you connect?