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Design IoT Products that Create Sticky Brand Loyalty and Trust

by Josh Simi, on September 25, 2015

design iot products that create sticky brand loyalty and trust

An Exosite customer that is a Fortune 500 company in the industrial market found that after a mass connected product deployment with Exosite, end customers spent 20% more on replacement parts and accessories than those with non-connected varieties. The same end customers were also 25% more likely to purchase follow-on connected products from the same brand family. This data shows that organizations leveraging connected products and building IoT strategies are enabling brands to reach further into the consumer experience and create deep connection points that are valuable and sticky.

“The stickiness of a connected product brand is a combination of UX relevance and the degree to which the product garners trust.”

The stickiness of a connected product brand is a combination of user experience (UX) relevance and the degree to which the product garners trust, especially with the growing concern of security in IoT systems. As such, the IoT product design process should carefully consider the UX to ensure that product features and usage modes are relevant, easy to understand, and enjoyable to use. In addition, the product must communicate an intrinsic promise of security, safety, and reliability, especially for industrial brands and those that handle private data.

To learn more about developing an enterprise IoT strategy to create strong brand loyalty, download our Monetization Strategies for IoT products white paper:

Download Monetization Strategies White Paper

Topics:IoT Strategy

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